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- Cooling Unit,3 Hoses,10 Hoods
Polar Breeze® utilizes a cold air stream into the largest surface-area organ of the entire body- the lungs. Whileimmersion in ice-water can cool the 1.7 to 2.3 square meters (2.0-2.75 square yards) of the body surface area,the lungs offer a cooling area directly into the bloodstream of 30 to 70 square meters and up to 100 squaremeters in some athletes - that’s half the size of a tennis court!. Cooling the bloodstream cools the entire bodyfrom the inside out, head-to-toe! The greater the surface area, the faster this occurs!
Polar Breeze® has dropped core body temperature 1°F. every two minutes infirefighters undergoing training in a Burn House.
Base Package Includes:
(1) Polar Breeze® Cooling Unit
(1) Power Cord
(3) Hoses
(10) Disposable Hoods
Polar Breeze® has dropped core body temperature 1°F. every two minutes infirefighters undergoing training in a Burn House.
Base Package Includes:
(1) Polar Breeze® Cooling Unit
(1) Power Cord
(3) Hoses
(10) Disposable Hoods
- Weight: 72 lbs.
- Weight with 2 Hoses and one Hood: 73 lbs
- 16"W x 16"D x 20"H
- 120 Volts AC Standard
- Power Requirements: 60 HZ 120v AC on a minimum 10-amp circuit
- Power Consumption: 9.6 amps at 120v AC on start-up
8.6 amps at 120v AC continuous
Product Literature
White Paper
Quick Start Guide
Lease Purchase Program

White Paper
Quick Start Guide
Lease Purchase Program

May 2018
Heat-Related Illnesses
The first day of summer returns in June each year, but depending on your location, the first reported cases of heat stroke and heat exhaustion have probably already occurred. Indoor or outdoor activities, in surroundings that are inherently hot, expose workers to environmental heat stress that may lead to severe illness or death.
Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the United States, even though most heat-related deaths are preventable. On average 30 workers per year die of heat stroke and thousands more become ill.
For resource material and information that can be used to raise awareness of at risk workers, click on the links below.
Information on OSHA's campaign to prevent heat-related illness can be found at:
- Warranty: 18 Months